Sunday, October 28, 2012

Speaker Prep 3

1. Wieden and Kennedy just landed the Facebook account, giving them another massive client. While this is great for the company, it's going to be interesting to see how you advertise Facebook, and even why given how popular it is already. Who is there left to advertise to, and how will Wieden and Kennedy accomplish it? A strategic issue for the Nike client specifically could be in regards to their contracts. A lot of their contracts with sports teams are going out this year or soon. What will they do to keep their client coming back to them?

2.current consumer reactions to Wieden and Kennedy, especially the Nike side, are impressed. I know I'm not just speaking for myself when I say wow, every Nike commercial I see has me wanting to go buy Nike. Some people might think they're very biased though, that they have no just general exercise clothes. Everything Nike does shows a specific sport or activity per advertisement instead of embodying movement in general.

3. Wieden and Kennedy is pretty much at the top of their game right now, with some of the biggest names in the world using you. Are you worried about the saying the what goes up, must come down?

Also, are you ever worried about having enough good, qualified individuals for your all your different clientele?

Until Next Time!

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