Wednesday, December 12, 2012


So one of my blog prompts from my professor is "What does it mean to be creative?" I assume that if I simply write, "To create something," in this blog, she'll dock a lot of points.

But seriously, what more is it than that? says "cre·a·tive [kree-ey-tiv] adjective
1. having the quality or power of creating.
2. resulting from originality of thought, expression, etc.; imaginative: creative writing.
3. originative; productive (usually followed by of ).
4. Facetious. using or creating exaggerated or skewed data, information, etc.: creative bookkeeping."

I feel like this proves my point. Creating something. I know you might say, yes Marketing Girl, but it has to be ORIGINAL. I disagree.

The other day, the boyfriend drew me a picture of a My Little Pony, Applejack. It took me a few weeks to beg for it, but he finally did because he likes me. He opened a picture of Applejack from google images, and he drew it. Just because someone else originally drew it and he copied it, does that make him not creative? He still created something for me. Something I couldn't have created without the use of a printer and tracing paper.

I'm not saying copying is good, in fact, copying and plagiarism and all that nonsense is horrible and illegal and you should never do it.

But just because you base an idea off of something someone's already done before, does that mean you're no longer creative? I disagree, I think it makes you just as creative. Why reinvent the wheel every time you make a car? I think that would be silly.

I don't think my idea is hugely novel. I just think being creative means you can create something. You can either create something completely new from scratch, or you can take someone else's idea and build something new from that. A hatchback and a van and a truck have a lot in common when you look at how they're made and what they're made of. They all also still happen to have four wheels.

Until next time!

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