Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How Quotes Change Everything

Let me preface with this: I am not a crazy feminist. I don't believe in women having more power than men because we're better or something obscure like that. Heck, if I get home before my future husband, I'll have dinner on the table for him when he gets home - because I like cooking and I assume I'll enjoy eating with my husband.

But I love this article on a gender equality (Which I am all for) article with some pretty excellent pictures.

I'm a big fan of this girl.

I thought this one was really eye-catching and good.

But what I really want to mention is a line from the article.. The creative brief for the “Gender Equality Now” exhibition carries a quote from Clinton that states, “As long as girls and women are valued less, fed less, fed last, overworked, underpaid, not schooled and subjected to violence in and out of their homes, the potential of the human family to create a peaceful, prosperous world will not be realised.”

Let me tell you something about quotes. I'm obsessed with them. I find them hugely inspiring, and when we're they're really well put-together, they're very focused. Conveniently enough, that's everything a creative brief should be. I'm going to be honest here, I have a board on pinterest called 'Quotes' and it's easily my most filled board. I. Love. Quotes.

Which made me realize, I love the idea of quotes in a creative brief! Why didn't my group think of that for our creative brief?! What an amazing idea! I'm impressed. Again, with my post on creativity, I'll use this for any future creative brief I need to make. Let's be real, wow. I'm not entirely sure why I'm so impressed with this - I'm sure plenty of companies and businesses have done this. Maybe it's just because I love quotes.

For example:

This is on my pinterest quotes board, because I'm kind of on the shorter side of ladies' heights. That's just one of the >50 quote pins I have.

I think using a quote in a creative brief is a strong, powerful way to reinforce the influence behind what you want, what you want it focused on. Inspiring and focused.

It's like creative briefs were made to showcase quotes! At least, in my head. Wish I'd thought of this sooner.

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Quotes are a great idea for briefs! And for creative execution!
