Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fizzy water fights back!

I feel better now.


In case you don't feel like reading that, the article title is 'To Evade UK Ban on Spot, Sodastream Switches to Print Ads.' Here's an example of their print ad:

Never have I been more proud of a carbonation service before. This ad is brilliant, not only is it completely eye-catching, but it gets the information across very quickly, leading you to want to read the fine print.

In the fine print, they tell you about how they were banned - hence the censored bit at the top, which is hugely eye catching, as previously mentioned.

Just look at it! I don't even know where they're going to run it, but I'm excited for it. This is really just a tag on to my last article, about a marketing campaign growing a set (of legs, what were you thinking?) and fighting back.

I love it. I think I'm going to go buy a new sodastream now, just to support this.

I want to talk about this though, some brands couldn't do this. A lot couldn't. Like Nivea. If they were censored for slamming on.. I don't know. Jergens. Nivea having a print ad like this wouldn't have near the exciting, actiony, fighting back slam as this does. Because this is huge. It's a completely different category, wrongly banned, fighting back with a bite.

I'm stoked to see what else Sodastream comes up with along this line for the UK. I have a feeling this won't be my last post about this..

Until next time!

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